17th February 2025
The 4th year undergraduate student, Hirotake Maekawa, presented his graduation research.

Hirotake Maekawa
Establishment of a fission yeast-based screening system for isolation of potent human kinesin-5 inhibitors

12th February 2025
2nd year graduate students, Yuta Hirano, Fara Difka Afdilla and Hiromu Yamada, presented their master course researches.

Yuta Hirano
Role of fission yeast essential microtubule binding factor Peg1/CLASP in spindle formation

Fara Difka Afdilla
Development of the effective yeast system for screening of inhibitors against human mitotic kinesin motors

Hiromu Yamada
Functional analysis of the γ-tubulin complex, a microtubule nucleator in mitotic spindle assembly and maintenance in fission yeast

25th January 2025
Hirotake Maekawa, Woosang Hwang and Masashi Yukawa attended the 70th Regular Meeting of the Chugoku-Shikoku Branch of the JSBBA in Hiroshima (Hiroshima University).
Hirotake and Woosang had their oral presentations.

The titles were

Hirotake Maekawa
Exploring of human mitotic kinesin inhibitors using fission yeast

Woosang Hwang
Analysis of the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent mitotic nuclear positioning in fission yeast

26th December 2024
Yusuke Sakai (1st year graduate students) presented his research project at the master’s interim presentation.

The title was

Yusuke Sakai
Search for nuclear side factors involved in mitosis-specific nuclear displacement in fission yeast

7th December 2024
Yusuke Sakai and Woosang Hwang attended the Biomedical Science Seminar, which is a class for graduate students in the master or PhD course of the program of Biomedical Science. Yusuke Sakai had an oral presentation and was awarded the Best Presentation Award.

The title was

Yusuke Sakai
Search for nuclear side factors involved in mitosis-specific nuclear displacement in fission yeast

27th November 2024
Fara Difka Afdilla attended 47th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan in Fukuoka (Fukuoka Convention Center) and had a poster presentation.

The title was

Fara Difka Afdilla
An “in schizo” evaluation system to screen for human kinesin-5 and kinesin-12 inhibitors

12th November 2024
We published our protocol in Methods in Molecular Biology.

Title: An “In Schizo” Evaluation System to Screen for Human Kinesin-5 Inhibitors
Methods Mol Biol. (2025) 2862: 333-351. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-4168-2_24

9th -10th November 2024
Masashi Yukawa and Hirotake Maekawa attended 41th annual meeting of Yeast Workshop in Kagoshima (Kagoshima University Korimoto Campus) and Hirotake had an oral and a poster presentation.

The title was

Hirotake Maekawa
Screening of inhibitors against human mitotic kinesin motors using fission yeast

19th September 2024
Masashi Yukawa attended the 24th Exchange Meeting on Microeukaryotes held at the National Research Institute of Brewing (NRIB).

9th – 11th September 2024
Masashi Yukawa attended 57th annual meeting of Yeast Genetic Society of Japan held at the Kagawa Prefectural Rexxam Hall in Takamatsu.

The title was

Masashi Yukawa
A possible role of the fission yeast CLASP homolog Peg1/Cls1 in the regulation of mitotic spindle assembly

5th August 2024
Hwang Woosang presented his research at the interim presentation of the doctoral program.

The title was

Hwang Woosang
Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent nuclear displacement during mitosis


1st April 2024
Hirotake Maekawa (前川 玄武) joined our group as a new B4 student.

25th – 27th March 2024
Masashi Yukawa attended the 2024 annual meeting of the JSBBA held at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Setagaya Campus and had an oral presentation.

The title was
An essential role of fission yeast CLASP homolog Peg1 in mitotic spindle assembly

23rd March 2024
The 4th year undergraduate student, Yusuke Sakai has finished his course. Many congratulations!! He will be enrolled in our Master’s program from April.

15th February 2024
The 4th year undergraduate student, Yusuke Sakai, presented his graduation research.

The title was

Yusuke Sakai
(Search for nuclear side factors involved in mitosis-specific nuclear displacement in fission yeast)

19th January 2024
Masashi Yukawa attended the workshop on “Chromosomes and Radiation” held at the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine (RIRBM), Hiroshima University (Kasumi campus).

26th December 2023
Fara Difka Afdilla, Hiromu Yamada and Yuta Hirano (1st year graduate students) presented their research projects at the master’s interim presentation.

The titles were

Fara Difka Afdilla
Development of the effective yeast system for screening of inhibitors against human mitotic kinesin motors

Hiromu Yamada
Functional analysis of the γ-tubulin complex, a microtubule nucleator in mitotic spindle assembly and maintenance in fission yeast

Yuta Hirano
An essential role of fission yeast CLASP homolog Peg1 in mitotic spindle assembly

16th -17th November 2023
The 24th biennial symposium of yeast societies(第24回酵母合同シンポジウム)was held at Higashi Hiroshima Arts & Culture Hall Kurara. Hiromu Yamada, Yuta Hirano and Masashi Yukawa attended and supported the symposium.

9th – 10th November 2023
Masashi Yukawa and Yusuke Sakai attended 40th annual meeting of Yeast Workshop in Yamaguchi (KDDI Ishin Hall, Yamaguchi City Industrial Exchange Base Facility) and Yusuke had an oral and a poster presentation.

The title was

Yusuke Sakai
Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent mitotic nuclear displacement

21st October 2023
Yuta Hirano, Hiromu Yamada and Woosang Hwang attended the Biomedical Science Seminar, which is a class for graduate students in the master or PhD course of the program of Biomedical Science. They had their oral presentations and Woosang Hwang was awarded the Best Presentation Award.

The titles were

Yuta Hirano
Molecular mechanisms of M-phase spindle formation by fission yeast MT crosslinking and stabilizing factor

Hiromu Yamada
Functional analysis of the γ-tubulin complex, a microtubule nucleator in mitotic spindle assembly and maintenance in fission yeast

Woosang Hwang
Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent mitotic nuclear positioning

9th-13th October 2023
Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on “Yeast and Life Sciences” was held at Kunibiki Messe in Shimane Prefectural Convention Center.
Fara Difka Afdilla and Woosang Hwang attended this meeting and had their poster presentations. Woosang Hwang was awarded the Best Poster Award at the meeting.

The titles were

Fara Difka Afdilla
A fission yeast-based platform for screening potent human kinesin-5/Eg5 inhibitors

Woosang Hwang
Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent mitotic nuclear positioning

15th September 2023
The 23rd Exchange Meeting on Microeukaryotes was held at the National Research Institute of Brewing (NRIB) and Masashi Yukawa had an oral presentation.

The title was
Escape from mitotic catastrophe by actin-dependent nuclear displacement in fission yeast

30th August -1st September 2023
Masashi Yukawa and Woosang Hwang attended 56th annual meeting of Yeast Genetic Society of Japan in Niigata (Niigata University, Igarashi Campus) and had their presentations.

The titles were

Masashi Yukawa
A critical role of microtubule-associated protein Peg1/Cls1 required for spindle formation in fission yeast

Woosang Hwang
Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent nuclear displacement during mitosis

28th July 2023
Professor Takashi Toda retired at the end of July after 9 years working for Hiroshima University. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to work with or learn from him and so appreciate his kind support and professional advices. We wish him continued good health and happiness in the future.

27th July 2023
Woosang Hwang performed an oral presentation in the 9th HiHA Young Researchers International Workshop.

The title: Exploring the molecular mechanism of actin-dependent mitotic nuclear positioning