Previous lab news 2016

29th December 2016

Takashi Toda visited Dr Yuko Kiyosue-Mimori at the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies (CLST), Kobe and discussed mutual research projects. Dr Kiyosune-Mimori has been working on a tumour suppressor protein, Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and trying to uncover the underlying mechanism as to why mutations in APC lead to chromosome instability followed by tumorigenesis. Shown below is Dr Kiyosune-Mimori with the newest equipped fluorescence microscope.

22nd December 2016

HU-UK Bond: Reunion and New Union was held organised by Dr Norifumi Miyokawa (Senior Research Administrator) and Research Administrator group.

22nd December 2016

Three graduate school students from UK, Corinne Pinder (The Francis Crick Institute), Tom Williams (London Metropolitan University) and Alice Wicks (University College London) visited Takashi Toda/Masashi Yukawa lab and joined a progress report meeting.

20th December 2016

1st Graduate student research exchange between Hiroshima University/Japan and the Francis Crick Institute/UK was held and eight graduate school students from 5 different countries gave talks, followed by a tea and snack party.

1st December 2016

Former lab members, Aki Minoda (currently a group leader in Epigenome Technology Exploration Unit of RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies, Yokohama), Takayuki Koyano (tenured research scientist in Shigei Medical Institute, Okayama) and Masashi Yukawa got together in the 39th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan held in Pacifico Yokohama.

Masashi Yukawa gave a poster presentation in the meeting.

29th November 2016

Professor Takashi Toda attended “Cilia and Centrosomes” meeting (the 28th international CDB meeting) held at CDB (Centre for Developmental Biology. Ripken, Kobe) and gave a poster presentation.

This photo was taken with the director of CDB, Professor Hiroshi Hamada.

22nd November 2016

Collaborative work between Takashi Toda/Masashi Yukawa’s group and two groups in the Francis Crick Institute (Thomas Surrey and Martin R. Singleton) was published in Journal of Cell Science online .

This study has shown that two conserved microtubule associated proteins, Dis1/TOG and Mal3/EB, physically interact in a non-cannonical manner and play a critical role in high-fidelity chromosome segregation in fission yeast.

17th November 2016

Dr Yasutaka Kakui, a research scientist in Frank Uhlmann’s group at the Francis Crick Institute, visited our laboratory and exchanged research discussion with the lab members.

11th November 2016

Dr Ken’ya Furuta gave a talk in 12th HiHA seminar (coorganised as Genes to Cells seminar). The title of his talk was “Understanding of biological processes by creating molecular motors”.
Dr Ken’ya Furuta and the lab members discussed collaborative projects between the two groups. Graduate students presented their current work.

7th November 2016

Dr Yuzy Matsuo, a research scientist in the Francis Crick Institute, stayed for a week in professor Toda’s laboratory for collaborative work and discussion.

5th November 2016

Manabu Konishi, who was a summer student in Takashi’s lab in LRI, London and currently is working in Mizkan Co. visited the lab.

Former Toda lab in UK got together in Hiroshima.

Clockwise (from the left)
Masashi Yukawa (Hiroshima University)
Takayuki Koyano (Shigei Medical Research Institute)
Takashi Toda (Hiroshima University)
Yuzy Matsuo (The Francis Crick Institute)

4th November 2016

Tomoki Kawakami and Yusuke Yamada (B4) had a poster presentation at the 34th Yeast work shop, Shimane University Matsue Campus.

29th October 2016

Takashi Toda gave a plenary talk in ICPP12 (12th International Inference on Protein Phosphatase) as one of invited speakers held in Kindai university organised by Professors Reiko Sugiura (Kindai University) and Toshio Watanabe (Nara Women’s University). The title of his talk was “Roles of protein phosphates in cell polarity control”.

21st October 2016

Professor Kazuhiro Maeshima from the National Institute of Genetics gave a talk cohosted by HiHA and RcMcD.The title was “How is the long strand of human genome DNA organised in the cell? (全長2mのヒトゲノムはどのように細胞のなかに収納されているか?)”.

14th September 2016

Takashi Toda gave a talk at the 14th International Congress on Yeasts on 14 September held at Awaji Yumebutai, Awaji Island, Hyogo. The picture was taken at the meeting (middle, the organiser Dr Hiroshi Takagi; right Dr Katsunori Tanaka, the session chairperson).

9th-11th September 2016

Masaki Okazaki and Tomoaki Yamauchi (M1) had a poster presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the YGSJ, the Seaside hotel Maiko Villa Kobe. Masashi Yukawa gave an oral presentation in the meeting. Masaki Okazaki was awarded the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Poster).


1st September 2016

Dr Hiroshi Ochiai, a specially appointed lecturer in Hiroshima University and also a PRESTO researcher (Japan Science and Technology Agency), gave a talk.The title was “Relationship between nuclear dynamics and fluctuation of gene expression in multi-potent stem cells(多能性幹細胞における核ダイナミクスと遺伝子発現ゆらぎの関係性)”.This seminar was jointly arranged as the 7th HiHA seminar and the 2nd Genes to Cells seminar hosted by Takashi Toda.

2nd August 2016

A review article on centriolar satellites by Professor Takashi Toda is published online in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

1st August 2016

Takashi Toda gave a talk in the National Institute for Genetics hosted by Professor Kazuhiro Maeshima. The title was “Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms of Mitotic Progression and Control: The Spindle Microtubule as a Key Player”.

30th July 2016

Collaborative work between the HiHA team (Kazunori Kume, Dai Hirata and Takashi Toda) and the USA groups (Fulvia Verdi, University of Miami School of Medicine and Maitreyi E Das, The University of Tennessee) on a role of the NDR kinase and RNA binding protein in cell polarisation is published online in eLife.

22-27th July 2016

Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute and had research discussions with Corinne Pinder and Yuzy Matsuo, who were former members of Takashi’s group in the institute and currently are collaborators.

16th July 2016

Takashi Toda gave a guest talk in a special lecture of the 87th Hiroshima Hakkoukai (第87回広島醗酵会) at the Hotel Granvia Hiroshima.

4th July 2016

We hold a seminar as “the 1st Genes to Cells seminar” on July 4th. Dr Ngang Heok Tang from UC San Diego USA gave a talk (A putative RNA binding protein regulates axon regeneration and integrity).

1st July 2016

Takashi Toda gave a talk (“酵母を用いた細胞分裂研究~特に微小管構築制御~のフロンティア”
Forefront of cell division research using yeast ~Regulation of microtubule organization~) in the 19th Eukaryotic Microbes Meeting (第19回真核微生物交流会) at the National Research Institute of Brewing (NRIB: 独立行政法人 酒類総合研究所).

22nd April 2016

Hervas-Aguilar and Millar wrote a News & Views article (Hervas-Aguilar and Millar, 2016) with regards to our paper published in Cell Cycle (Chmielewska et al., 2016).

1st April 2016

Dr Yasutaka Kakui, Research Fellow in the Francis Crick Institute, visited Takashi Toda’s laboratory for scientific discussion.

Francis Crick研究所の上級研究員の角井康貢さんが当研究室を訪問され、研究打ち合わせの会合を持ちました。

April 2016

Tomoki Kawakami and Yusuke Yamada, new B4 students joined us.

25th March 2016

Dr Yasushi Saka (Senior Lecturer, The institute of Medcal Science, School of Medicine, The University of Aberdeen) visited Takashi Toda’s laboratory for research discussion for collaboration.

本日英国アバジーン大学医学部医学研究所、Senior Lecturerの坂 泰さんが当研究室を訪問され、共同研究に関して、研究打ち合わせを行いました。

22nd February 2016

We published “The hairpin region of Ndc80 is important for the kinetochore recruitment of Mph1/MPS1 in fission yeast.” in Cell Cycle.

We published “特集 分野別・必読論文選考対談:次世代に語り継ぐ論文はどれか?『細胞分裂制御』” in Cell Technology(細胞工学).

19th February 2016

Takashi Toda gave a seminar (“中心小体サテライトを介した中心体機能制御の新展開”
Exploring the roles of centriolar satellites in the regulation of centrosome functions) at Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University (広島大学 原爆放射線医科学研究所 ゲノム障害医学研究センター)

8th-9th February 2016

Takashi Toda attended a symposium on “Protein Trafficking and Intracellular Signaling of Plant and Fungal Cells” held in Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, JAPAN and give a plenary talk entitled (The molecular mechanism of anchoring the microtubules to the spindle pole body and centrosome.)

1st February 2016

Takashi Toda wrote a short essay, “Chance and necessity (偶然と必然)”, for the monthly column, “Voices of Bio(バイオのつぶやき)”, which are tweets from academic staff at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Hiroshima University.

11th January 2016

We published “A non-canonical function of Plk4 in centriolar satellite integrity and ciliogenesis through PCM1 phosphorylation.” in EMBO Reports.