Previous lab news 2017

22nd December

25th HiHA seminar  was held on 22nd December (Fri).

Katsura Asano

Professor, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, USA.


Regulation of Translation Initiation from Non-AUG Codon


Takashi Toda

* This lecture is set up as a joint seminar across five graduate schools.

18th and 19th December

Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute and discuss research collaboration with Paul Nurse’ group. Corinne Pinder, to whom Takashi Toda has been a supervisor for her PhD course successfully passed viva and will be awarded PhD.

Photos, Takashi Toda and Corinne Pinder
Takashi Toda, Carolyn Moores (Professor at Birkbeck College, University of London) and Juan Mata (Reader in University of Cambridge)
Corinne Pinder、Carolyn Moores and Juan Mata.
Drs Mata and Moores are examiners for Corinne Pinder’s thesis/viva.

13th December

24th HiHA seminar was held on 13th December (Wed).

Eishi Noguchi

Associate Professor, Drexel University, USA.


Genome Instability in Cell Aging and Cancer


Takashi Toda

* This lecture is set up as a joint seminar across five graduate schools.

6th and 7th December

Takashi Toda attended the ConBio2017 meeting held in Kobe and had a poster presentation.

Takashi Toda, Masaki Okazaki, Tomoaki Yamauchi, Yusuke Yamada, Tomoki Kawakami and Masashi Yukawa

Exploring a novel pathway leading to bipolar spindle formation in the absence of Kinesin-5

登田 隆 , 岡崎雅紀, 山内智瑛, 山田侑亮, 河上友基, 湯川格史


Takashi Toda and Gota Goshima (Professor at Nagoya University)

1st December

A new paper derived from international collaboration between Hiroshima University-HiHA (Takashi Toda/Masashi Yukawa’s group and Kazunori KUme) and University of California, San Diego (Ngang Hoek Tang) was published in the 1st December issue of Molecular Biology of the Cell.

Authors: Masashi Yukawa, Tomoki Kawakami, Masaki Okazaki, Kazunori Kume, Ngang Heok Tang and Takashi Toda
Title: A microtubule polymerase cooperates with the Kinesin-6 motor and a microtubule crosslinker to promote bipolar spindle assembly in the absence of Kinesin-5 and Kinesin-14 in fission yeast
Journal: Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 28, no. 25, 3647-3659 (2017)


1st December

23rd HiHA seminar was held on 1st December.

【Date and Time】
1st December (Friday) 14:00-15:00

Katsura Professor Keith Williison

Imperial College London, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science

『Counting single protein molecules in rare single cells isolated from human clinical samples』

Building of Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, 4F 405N

Takashi Toda


24th November

Mitsuki Ohishi, Yasuhiro Teratani and Masashi Yukawa attended the 35th annual meeting of the YWS held at the Kagawa Prefectural Rexxam Hall in Takamatsu.
Mitsuki and Yusuhiro had an oral and poster presentation in the meeting.

Their titles were:

A genetic screen for suppressor mutants restoring the lethality caused by overexpression of Kinesin-14: Mitsuki

Isolation and analysis of novel temperature-sensitive alleles of the fission yeast Kinesin-5/cut7 by PCR-mediated mutagenesis: Yasuhiro

22nd November
A new paper from Takashi Toda and Masashi Yukawa’s group was published in Journal Cell Science on line.

Authors: Masashi Yukawa, Yusuke Yamada, Tomoaki Yamauchi, Takashi Toda
Title: Two spatially distinct Kinesin-14 Pkl1 and Klp2 generate collaborative inward forces against Kinesin-5 Cut7 in S. pombe
Journal: J Cell Sci 2017 : doi: 10.1242/jcs.210740

2nd November

21th HiHA seminar was held.

Speaker: Professer Hajime Ogino

(Director of Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima University)

Title: Evolution of gene regulatory mechanism in association with genome duplication

(ゲノム重複に伴う遺伝子制御機構の進化 )

27th October

Tang , N-H., Fong , C-S., Masuda, H., Jourdain, I., Yukawa, M. and Toda , T. (2017)
Generation and characterisation of temperature sensitive mutants of genes encoding the fission yeast spindle pole body.

PeerJ Preprint, 5, e3377v1, doi: 110.7287/peerj.preprints.3377v1

Methods in Molecular Biology, accepted.


27th October

Takashi Toda attended an celebration ceremony for Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi, who was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In this ceremony, a stone monument representing autophagy, which Professor Ohsumi discovered in yeast, was made and placed in front of a building of National Institute of Basic Biology.

26th October

Ms Takako Ezaki joined our group as a secretary.

16th October

Hiroshima University have distributed press release online of new work performed by Takashi Toda/Masashi Yukawa and colleagues (Molecular Biology of the Cell online at (

11th October

A new paper based on international collaboration between Hiroshima University-HiHA (Takashi Toda/Masashi Yukawa’s group and Kazunori KUme) and University of California, San Diego (Ngang Hoek Tang) was published online in the web site of Molecular Biology of the Cell.

Title: A microtubule polymerase cooperates with the Kinesin-6 motor and a microtubule crosslinker to promote bipolar spindle assembly in the absence of Kinesin-5 and Kinesin-14 in fission yeast

Authors: Masashi Yukawa, Tomoki Kawakami, Masaki Okazaki, Kazunori Kume, Ngang Heok Tang and Takashi Toda



4th October

A paper by Yukawa et al. was accepted in Molecular Biology of the Cell.

Title: A microtubule polymerase cooperates with the Kinesin-6 motor and a microtubule crosslinker to promote bipolar spindle assembly in the absence of Kinesin-5 and Kinesin-14 in fission yeast

Authors: Masashi Yukawa, Tomoki Kawakami, Masaki Okazaki, Kazunori Kume, Ngang Heok Tang and Takashi Toda

28th September

Professor Keiji Ido (Tokushima University) visited Dr Takashi Toda.

27th September

Professor Hirotada Mori (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) gave a talk at Department of Science hosted by Professor Katsunori Suzuki. The title was “Systems biology in E. coli utilising comprehensive resources: What could we learn from global analysis in E. coli?” (網羅的リソースを活用した大腸菌システムズ生物学:大腸菌を用いた網羅解析から何が得られるのか). Dr Hirotada Mori is a friend of Dr Toda’s, since they worked at Kyoto University as assistant professors nearly 30 years ago. Dr Suzuki used to work on yeast when he was a student of Professor Yanagishima in Nagoya University.

The photo shown is Professor Hirotada Mori (centre) and Professor Katsunori Suzuki (left).


15th September、20th HiHA seminar

Dr Tomomi Tsubouchi, Associate Professor at the National Institute of Basic Biology (Okazaki, Aichi), gave a talk. The title was “The regulatory mechanism of genome stability in pluripotent stem cells”.

left, Takashi Toda; middle, Tomomi Tsubouchi; right, Masaru Ueno

11th-13th September

Tomoki Kawakami, Yusuke Yamada, Masashi Yukawa and Takashi Toda attended the 50th annual meeting of the YGSJ held at the Yayoi-Kodo conference hall, the University of Tokyo. Masashi, Tomoki and Yusuke had an oral presentation in the meeting.

Their titles were:

A novel mechanism of bipolar spindle assembly through the Alp7/TACC-Alp14/TOG, microtubule polymerase protein complex in fission yeast: Tomoki
(分裂酵母の微小管ポリメラーゼ複合体 Alp7/TACC- Alp14/TOG による 新たな双極性紡錘体形成機構:河上)

Suppressor analysis of temperature-sensitive mutations of the Kinesin-5/Cut7 in fission yeast: Yusuke
(分裂酵母 Kinesin- 5/Cut7 の温度感受性変異を抑圧する変異株の解析:山田)

Investigation of a Kinesin-5 independent pathway leading to bipolar spindle formation: Masashi

5th September

Takashi Toda gave a talk at the 83rd annual meeting of Yeast Research Association (酵母研究会) held in Kyoto University. The title was “Genome stability control through cytoskeltal regulation in yeast (細胞骨格から眺める酵母ゲノム安定性とその制御機構)”。The photo was taken with Dr Yasuji Oshima (centre, Emeritus Professor at Osaka University) and Dr Yoshinobu Kaneko (right, Professor at Osaka University).

28th August

Takashi Toda visited Toru Hirota’s laboratory at Cancer Institute of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research (癌研究会).
Frank Uhlmann from the Francis Crick Institute also visited Hirota’s laboratory and gave a talk.

25th July

A new paper was published. This work was performed under collaboration with Dr Kazunori Kume and Dai Hirata.
“Identification of three signaling molecules required for calcineurin-dependent monopolar growth induced by the DNA replication checkpoint in fission yeast.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jul 25. pii: S0006-291X(17)31487-0. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.07.129. [Epub ahead of print]

25th July

Takashi Toda gava a talk at Toyama Prefectural University (富山県立大学)hosted by Professor Toshiyuki Sakai

Exploring the molecular mechanisms of cell division and chromosome segregation: yeast as a model organism to study human deceases)

20th and 21st July

Dr Masato Kanemaki, Professor at the National Institute of Genetics, gave a special lecture (遺伝子編集技術発展の歴史,背景,現状,未来,またその社会的意義について, Lecture on gene editing in terms of its history, updates and impact on the society to graduate school students of Department of Molecular Biotechnology, AdSMGraduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter. He also gave a talk in the 19th HiHA seminar. His title was 「オーキシンデグロン技術が切り開くヒト細胞における新たな染色体生物学」(A new frontier of chromosome biology in human cells implemented by Auxin-Degron technology)

10th July

Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute and met Dr Frank Uhlmann (a lab head, FRS) and Ms Ryoko Mandeville (a coordinator of Sir Paul Nurse’ visit to Hiroshima University this April).

23th June

18th HiHA seminar (co-organised as 3rd Genes to Cells seminar)

Date and Time:23 June(Friday)15:00-16:00
Venue:Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Building, 3F Room 302S
Speaker:Professor Toshiyuki Sakaki
Affiliations: Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics, Department of Engineering, TOYAMA Prefectural University
Title:「 The molecular mechanisms of preventive effects of vitamin D against osteoporosis and cancer 」
Host:Takashi Toda

13th-15th June

Takashi Toda attended the 69th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Cell Biology held in Sendai, and gave an oral talk and poster presentation, “Kinesin-5に依存しない新規紡錘体形成経路の探索:
Investigation of a Kinesin-5 independent pathway leading to bipolar spindle formation”.

30th May 2017

Takashi Toda gave a talk in Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University hosted by Professor Atsuhiko Ishida and Shinpei Tanaka. The title was “The cytoskeleton and Genome Instability “.

11th May
A new paper was published from Dr Takashi Toda’s group.

Purification and characterisation of the fission yeast Ndc80 complex
Protein Expression and Purification, 135 (2017) 61-69 DOI: 10.1016/j.pep.2017.05.002 (

This work was performed under international collaboration of four laboratories; Takashi Toda (Hiroshima University), Thomas Surrey (The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK), Martin R Singleton (The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK) and Sebastian Maurer (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain) .

14th-19th May 2017

Takashi Toda and Masashi Yukawa attended the 9th international Fission Yeast Meeting held at the Banff Centre in Canada. Masashi gave an oral talk (Assembly of Mitotic Bipolar Spindle in the Absence of Kinesin-5 Cut7) and Takashi gave a poster presentation (Towards the in vitro Reconstitution of the Kinetochore-Microtubule Interface).

In addition, Corinne Pinder, a graduate student in the Francis Crick Institute, London UK, whom Dr Toda has been remotely supervising from Hiroshima University and who currently belongs to Dr Paul Nurse’s group, also gave an oral prevention (Exploring the Mitotic Roles of Kinesin-8 in Fission Yeast).

22nd April 2017

Takashi Toda visited the National Institute of Genetics (Mishima) and discussed a research project on a temporal coupling between DNA replication and mitosis with an assistant professor Dr Kohji Hizume.

17th April 2017

Molecular mechanisms of genome stability control in cell proliferation: lessons from yeast

Takashi Toda gave a talk at Hotel Granvia. The title was “Molecular mechanisms of genome stability control in cell proliferation: lessons from yeast”. This seminar was hosted by Professor Kazuaki Chayama (the Division head of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Science, Hiroshima University) and sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb K.K. as Hiroshima City B-type Hepatitis seminar series.

5th April 2017

A lecture meeting by Sir Paul Nurse was held at Hiroshima University Satake Memorial Hall. Over six hundred people attended the lecture and it was successfully completed. This has been taken up by the newspaper.

5th April 2017

Sir Paul Nurse visited our lab!

4th April 2017

On 4th Apr, 10th HiHA international Workshop (Cell Cycle Control and beyond
with Dr Paul Nurse and his ex-lab members) was held.

24th March 2017

Masaki Okazaki (M1) was awarded the best poster prize in the interim poster presentation for Master’s degree.


18th-20th March 2017

Masashi Yukawa had an oral presentation at the 2017 Annual Conference of the JSBBA, Kyoto women’s university.


13th-16th March 2017

Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute (13-16 March). He met Sir Paul Nurse and discuss detailed arrangement of Dr Nurse’s visit to Hiroshima University next month.

Takashi Toda also gave a talk (Exploring the molecular mechanism of mitotic progression: Something new from Hiroshima).

Takashi Toda discussed with Corinne Pinder about her research progress.

10th March 2017

On 10 Mar, 4th HiHA International Symposium was held.

1st March 2017

Ayaka Inada, technical staff joined our lab.

7th February 2017

Mitsuki Ohishi and Yasuhiro Teratani, new B4 students joined us.

3rd February 2017

Hiroyuki Ohkura, Professor of Cell Biology and Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow, the University of Edinburgh, gave a talk in 16th HiHA seminar.

1st February 2017

Takashi Toda, Masashi Yukawa and Yusuke Yamada visited the next-generation sequencing facility in Medical School in Hiroshima University, Kasumi campus and discussed a whole-genome sequencing of fission yeast.

23rd January 2017

A lecture meeting by Sir Paul Nurse will be held as follows.

13th January 2017

On 13 Jan, 9th HiHA International Workshop was held.

12th January 2017

Takashi Toda attended 34th Chromosome Workshop/15th Nuclear Dynamics Workshop held at Okura Akademia Hotel from 11th to 13th January. He gave a talk, “Towards in vitro Reconstruction and Visualisation of Kinetochore-Microtubule Interaction Interface (キネトコア-スピンドル微小管相互作用インターフェイスのin vitro再構築と可視化の試み)”.

The photo below was taken with organisers, Dr Hiroshi Masumoto (KAZUSA DNA Institute) and Dr Kiyoe Ura (Chiba University).