登田隆教授グループと英国フランシス・クリック研究所との国際共同研究論文がJournal of Cell Science最新号に出版

- Category - 論文


登田 隆教授グループと英国フランシス・クリック研究所との国際共同研究論文がJournal of Cell Science最新号に出版されました。筆頭著者のCorinne Pinder博士は日本学術振興会(JSPS)の『国際的な活躍が期待できる研究者の育成事業』科学研究費(S2902)の支援を受けて、2018年1月から5月まで、 登田グループ研究室に留学・滞在し、研究を行いました。

Corinne L. Pinder, Yuzy Matsuo, Sebastian P. Maurer and Takashi Toda

Kinesin-8 and Dis1/TOG collaborate to limit spindle elongation from prophase to anaphase A for proper chromosome segregation in fission yeast

High-fidelity chromosome segregation relies on proper microtubule regulation. Kinesin-8 has been shown to destabilise microtubules to reduce metaphase spindle length and chromosome movements in multiple species. XMAP215/chTOG polymerases catalyse microtubule growth for spindle assembly, elongation and kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Understanding of their biochemical activity has advanced but little work directly addresses the functionality and interplay of these conserved factors. We utilised the synthetic lethality of fission yeast kinesin-8 (Klp5-Klp6) and XMAP215/chTOG (Dis1) to study their individual and overlapping roles. We found that the non-motor kinesin-8 tailbox is essential for mitotic function; mutation compromises plus-end-directed processivity. Klp5-Klp6 induces catastrophes to control microtubule length and surprisingly, Dis1 collaborates with kinesin-8 to slow spindle elongation. Together, they enforce a maximum spindle length for a viable metaphase-anaphase transition and limit elongation during anaphase A to prevent lagging chromatids. Our work provides mechanistic insight into how kinesin-8 negatively regulates microtubules and how this functionally overlaps with Dis1 and highlights the importance of spindle length control in mitosis.
